In 1986, Clay County did not have a museum, so a group of citizens decided it was a good time to establish one because the State of Tennessee was celebrating Homecoming ’86. With the help of many volunteers and businesses, the building and location where the Museum is now located was established. Clay County Museum, Inc. was chartered as a non-profit corporation in the State of Tennessee on July 16, 1986, and on March 8, 1989, the museum received confirmation from the IRS that it qualified as a 501 (c) (3) organization for tax exempt status.
The mission statement of the Clay County Museum, Inc. in Celina, Tennessee provides unique educational experiences based on pictures, objects, stories, and lives from our Clay County traditions of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and innovation. Our purpose is to inspire people to learn from those traditions to help shape a better future for the citizens of Clay County.
The Museum is operated by a Board of Directors consisting of seven (7) members who establish the operations of the Museum through the Bylaw of the organization.